
如果《十一罗汉》都是动物来演的那该多好!你同意这个提议?那你一定会喜欢《了不起的狐狸爸爸》。Wes Anderson最新最诡异的这部动画片足以名垂青史。


Fantastic Mr. Fox
If you thought Ocean's 11 would have been better with an all-animal cast, this is your movie. Wes Anderson's latest — and weirdest — features a series of lines and gestures that deserve to be instant classics. And we're not just cussing with you.



一句话夸美剧 09年最爱美剧15部汇总

Anvil! The Story of Anvil
You spend the first half of this hilarious, engrossing documentary wondering whether to believe the story of Robb and Lipps, best friends and partners in the long-running metal band Anvil. The two middle-aged rockers work 9-5 jobs, scraping together just enough cash for one big tour, and Stonehenge-sized disasters ensue. But by the end of the movie, you want to see their band thrive almost as much as they do. The final scene may make you bawl your eyes out even while you bang your head.


编剧兼导演James Gray创造的这部独立电影《两个恋人》,将一个复杂而令人迷醉的三角恋展现得凌厉精致,尤其是两位女主角表演极其到位。


Two Lovers
Letterman jokes aside, Joaquin Phoenix's turn in this indie makes us hope his retirement is just a joke. Co-writer/director James Gray weaves together a complicated yet mesmerizing love triangle between Phoenix's broken Leonard and the two very different women in his life. Gwyneth Paltrow shines as the needy Michelle, but Vinessa Shaw is the one to really watch as the brutally honest Sandra.


在Marc Webb的指挥棒下,坠入爱河这件事情变得史无前例得美好而心痛。《与莎莫的500天》时不时地让人颇有刺痛之感,但Tom和Summer的恋情却让所有观众感觉陷入初恋的甜蜜。Joseph Gordon-Levitt和Zoey Deschanel本身就非常来电,经过Webb的独特的叙事手法和艺术化的触感将整个爱情故事带到了前所未有的高度。


(500) Days of Summer
Falling in love has never felt as good (or painful!) as it does in Marc Webb's directorial debut. The film stings at times, but Tom and Summer's relationship reminds audiences what it feels like to fall in love for the first time, Hall & Oates soundtrack and all. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zoey Deschanel share electrifying chemistry, and Webb elevates this love story to new heights with his unique storytelling and artistic sensibility.



天真《野兽家园》童谣主题歌All Is Love试听下载

Where the Wild Things Are
Spike Jones' adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's story used the book as a jumping-off point to honor the dreamy, melancholy child in all of us.




Inglourious Basterds
Quentin Tarantino re-writes World War II with nods to spaghetti Westerns, blaxploitation, war movies, and a million films we've probably never heard of. And no one writes a better monologue than Tarantino.


《星际迷航》死忠们身临其境地随着电影穿越银河系。有J.J. Abrams操控大局,巨帅无比的Chris Pine、Zachary Quinto和Zoe Saldana登陆舰队,这部暑假档大片毫不令人失望。


Star Trek
Trekkies across the galaxy held their breath for this highly anticipated reboot. Thankfully, with J.J. Abrams behind the camera and the charismatic Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana on board, this summer blockbuster didn't disappoint. This fresh take on the Starfleet's early days proved a winner with devoted fans and newcomers alike.


《飞屋环游记》向人们展示了皮克斯无所不能。他们居然能将喜剧、动作、冒险与感人至深的真情天衣无缝地融合在一起,再一次创造出了一部老少皆宜的动画经典。艾美奖获得者Ed Asner非常到位地演绎了鳏居老人Carl的孤独生活,为这部色彩明快的动画片蒙上了一层意想不到的伤感情绪。Carl和Ellie的婚姻生活在片头那段十分钟没有台词的蒙太奇中展示,催人泪下,想不哭都难。


At this point, Pixar can do anything. The movie studio seamlessly mixed comedy, action-adventure and heartfelt emotion for yet another all-ages crowd-pleaser. Emmy winner Ed Asner's especially moving portrayal of the widowed and lonely Carl gave unexpected pathos to the film. Just try not to cry during the montage of Carl and Ellie's marriage.



爆笑喜剧《宿醉》 结婚前夜新郎醉酒失踪

The Hangover
Who knew that an old-fashioned, bacchanalian bachelor-party weekend could have such appeal? The wickedly funny buddy movie raked in nearly $300 million. Yeah, sick sells.