First she was ordered to put on weight when her glamorous character was transformed into a dowdy mother - now Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria has undergone another makeover.

现在看来,要求Eva Longoria为角色增肥,从光鲜亮丽的女模特儿转型成黄脸婆还真不是什么太残酷的事情,因为现在我们最美的Gaby又要有一个超级雷人的扮相了。

New photos from a forthcoming episode show Longoria's character Gaby Solis 30-years into the future - as a poverty-striken, grey-haired grandmother.


With long grey hair, wrinkles and dowdy clothes, the beautiful actress is barely recognisable.


The flash forward also hasn't been kind to Longoria's co-star Teri Hatcher.

然而《绝望主妇》的未来设定对另一位主妇扮演者Teri Hatcher也没手下留情。

It is expected to show that stick-thin Hatcher's character Susan Meyer has 'eaten herself into obesity.'

骨瘦如柴的Hatcher扮演的Susan Meyer在剧情中将“暴饮暴食成肥妞一个”。

Longoria's character has already undergone a transformation - the most recent series is set in 2013 and sees former neighbourhood sex kitten Gaby as a dowdy mother of two.

