Seven New Year's Resolutions for Job Hunting

If you're still looking for work these days, try moving into the New Year on a high note with these seven helpful (and hopefully lucky) job-related resolutions you must keep:

1. "I will broaden my job horizons."

Stop limiting yourself to only specific types of jobs. Promise to look for jobs you may not think you have enough skills for and go for it. Look into jobs that you may not even know you are qualified for and maybe find a new career in the process!

2. "I will consider relocating for a position."

Never count out jobs that are "too far" away. Moving to a new city, state, or country for work may be just what you need. Look into large corporations with offices around the country to get an idea of where your skills are needed. You may end up getting the job of your dreams in a town you would have never considered.

3. "I will stay positive."

This is the most difficult out of all of these resolutions but vital if you want to get a great job faster than your peers. People (especially potential employers) can feel you and your attitudes out in an instant, which is why it's best to be positive regardless of the situation you're dealing with. It will also help you feel better all around, too!

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