
Hi, I'm Ben from The Cellphone Broker in San Jose, California. Today, I'm going to show you how to prolong the battery life of your cell phone in a couple of easy steps. So I have some tips for you. So right here on my iPhone, most phones that...as a matter of fact, all phones have this feature where you just go into the settings. However, on the iPhone, it's a little bit easier, but I'll show you how to do it here. Settings, brightness. If you turn the screen brightness down, it will let the battery last longer. And the less bright it is, the longer your battery will last. So let's say I turn it right there, probably about three quarters -- or I'm sorry -- one quarter of the way, I can still see the screen pretty well, but it's going to allow the battery to last maybe twice as long. You can do this the same way on a BlackBerry. You can do this on a Nokia phone, a Motorola phone. All phones have this feature where you can just turn down the brightness and it'll allow the battery to last a lot longer.

The other way you can make your battery last a lot longer is to not overcharge it. Once you see that that battery little meter on the top of the phone has gotten all the way to its three or four bars where it's at its full capacity, unplug the phone and don't overcharge it. Also, don't charge it too much. And what I mean by that is don't be charging it every night when you already have some battery life on there. If your battery is half-full, you don't need to keep charging it. You should probably use your battery until it's down to one bar or when it's flashing that little red light, and that means it's ready to be charged again. So use the battery until it's almost out of juice, and then charge it up. I'm Ben from The Cellphone Broker in San Jose. That's how you make your battery last long.