141 What day is today?
142 It's Monday.
143 Spell it.
144 Who is on duty today?
145 Clean the blackboard for Mrs Dazzy.
146 Open your hands.
147 Your hands are dirty.
148 Go and wash them!
149 Your are free today.
150 Water the flowers for me!

a: What day is today?
It's Monday.
Spell it.
M O M D A Y.

b: What day is today?
It's Wednesday.
Spell it.
W E D N E S D A Y.
Who's on duty today?
I am.
Clean the blackboard for Mrs Dazzy.

c: It's Friday.
I'm on duty today.
Open your hands.
Your hands are dirty.
Go and wash them.
All right.

d: What day is today?
It's Sunday.
You are free today?
Water the flowers for me!