Rakesh Kumar Sharma tightens a clamp on his ear attached to a stack of weights at Gold's Gym, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.

年仅29岁的小伙子Rakesh Kumar Sharma用夹子夹紧自己的耳朵,准备用耳朵吊起夹子下面那一堆铁饼。地点:印度旁遮普省港口城市卢迪亚纳,金吉姆健身中心。


And lifts weights totalling 75.6kg with his ear. The 29-year-old, from Ludhiana in northern India, smashed his previous record of 71kg. This is just one of the bizarre records set today, on Guinness World Records Day.



Leicester's Ironman" Manjit Singh (59) prepares to set a new world record for pulling a double-decker bus with his hair.

59岁的“莱斯特铁人”Manjit Singh准备创造一项新的世界记录---用头发拉动一辆双层巴士。


He pulled the 8.5 ton bus a distance of 21.2 m with his hair, in Battersea Park, London.



Joe Alexander smashes eleven concrete tiles while he holds an egg in his hand to set a world record in Hamburg, Germany

随着乔·亚历山大(Joe Alexander)一声怒喝,11块混凝土板应声而断,而他手中握着的鸡蛋毫发无损,一项新的世界纪录应运而生。地点:德国汉堡市。



Ali Bahcepete of Turkey breaks the world record for most concrete blocks smashed in a minute with a total of 1,077

来自土耳其的Ali Bahcepete打破了一分钟内开混凝土块数量最多的世界记录,他在一分钟内开了1077块混凝土块。


Asha Mandela of Florida, USA, smashes her own record for the world's longest dreadlocks, with a staggering 19ft 6inches.

来自美国佛罗里达州的奥沙·曼德拉(Asha Mandela)刷新了由自己保持的世界最长发绺记录,她的发绺长度达到令人难以置信的19英尺6英寸(约合5.94米)。


Alistair Galpin uses a straw to blow a malteser 11 metres and 29.5 centimetres, setting a new Guinness World Record

Alistair Galpin用一根吸管把一颗巧克力豆吹出11.295米远,并由此创造了一项新的吉尼斯世界记录。


People at a water park in Erding, Germany, try to break the record for the furthest distance covered on a water slide in 24 hours. The record currently stands at 121.86 km



Wheelchair-bound craftsman Toufic Daher poses next to his matchstick model of the Eiffel Tower. It took him four years to build the 6.53m high tower, made of six million matchsticks, 6,240 tiny lamps and 23 flasher lamps

轮椅上的“鲁班”陶菲克·达赫(Toufic Daher)在他制作的火柴棍埃菲尔铁塔模型旁得意地摆着造型。制作这个6.53米高的模型花了他四年时间,600万根火柴,6240个小型电子管和23个闪光转向灯。


Some 112 commuters at St Pancras International in London set a record for the most people hugging for one minute

112名上班族在伦敦St Pancras国际酒店内创造了一项世界记录---一分钟内最多人同时拥抱。


297 participants set the record for the Largest Cheerleading Dance. It was achieved by the Universal Cheerleaders Association in Memphis, Tennessee



The Most People Lassoing Simultaneously is 23 set by attendees at the Stockyards Championship Rodeo, Fort Worth, Texas



The fastest time to eat a bowl of pasta was achieved by Ernesto Cesario in one minute 30 seconds, at Ristorante Sant'Eustorgio, Milan, Italy

Ernesto Cesario以1分30秒打破了最快吃完一碗意大利面的世界记录。地点:意大利米兰Sant'Eustorgio餐馆。


 The record for the most nationalities in a sauna is 76 and was achieved by the University of Haaga Helia in Helsinki, Finland

来自哈格应用科技大学(Haaga Helia)的76名学生和教师打破了最多不同国籍的人同在一个桑拿房蒸桑拿的世界记录。地点:芬兰赫尔辛基市。


The record for the fastest time to peel and eat three lemons is 28.5 seconds achieved by Jim Lyngvild on the set of a Danish TV show

在一次电视秀上,Jim Lyngvild以28.5秒打破了以最短时间剥皮并吃掉三个柠檬的世界记录。地点:丹麦


The record for the fastest 40m human wheelbarrow race is 17 seconds achieved by Adrian Rodrigues Buenrostro (Mexico) and Sergiy Vetrogonov (Ukraine) in Helsinki, Finland

Adrian Rodrigues Buenrostro(墨西哥人)和Sergiy Vetrogonov(乌克兰人)在芬兰赫尔辛基市以17秒的时间创造了---40米人轮车竞速赛的世界纪录。


 The largest paintbrush mosaic measures 10m by 2.6m and was achieved by Saimir Strati, who created this mosaic of Michael Jackson using thousands of paintbrushes in Tirana, Albania

Saimir Strati用几千支画笔拼出了世界上最大的画笔马赛克装饰画,这幅画的尺寸为10宽,2.6米高,人物图案为迈克尔·杰克逊。地点:阿尔巴尼亚首都地拉那市。
