Start a New Business Part-Time for a Smooth Business Start Up

People are often taken aback when they ask me, "When should I start my new business?" and I answer, "Now."

"But I’m working," is a typical answer.


The best time to start being self-employed is when you're already employed. You'll only be able to work at or in your business part-time, but you'll have three big advantages that will smooth your business start up and give your new business a better chance of success.

1)You'll have business start up funding.

The main deterrent to starting a small business for most people is money. Even if they have a nest egg set aside and can afford the start up costs, they know that their new business isn't going to bring in any appreciable amount of money for a while and don't know how they're going to pay their bills in the meantime.

Getting a small business loan is an option for some, but small business loans are often earmarked for specific uses.

While you may be able to get a small business loan for purchasing property or equipment for your new business, getting a small business loan to cover your living expenses may well be impossible.

Starting your new business part-time solves this problem neatly. You're still able to pay your bills and can afford to bankroll your new business because you've got money coming in.
