On October 26th 2009, South Beauty cooperated with the China Central Academy for Fine Arts and NAMOC in the organization of “Design as Productive Force 2009” for the World Design Congress which will be held in Beijing.
2008年 10月26日,俏江南集团携手中央美术学院、中国美术馆共同举办的“设计•生产力(2009北京世界设计大会特展)”隆重开幕。此次展览用艺术的手法,从“衣食住行”四个层面形象的讲述设计如何拉动企业效益增值,阐述“设计是第二发动机”、“设计是生产力”的理念,以期掀起设计创新经济的浪潮。俏江南集团、奥迪、SOHO、例外服饰四大品牌联手在各自的展厅中呈现精彩的设计理念,展览将于2008年10月26日至11月10日在中国美术馆持续展出。

"South Beauty has always had a destiny with the arts, even though we are in a very traditional industry - restaurants, we have discovered a deeper meaning," said Zhang Lan, Chairman of the Board, South Beauty holding Group."Since ancient times, dining has played an important role in China, food culture and heritage have represent a part of China’s long and flowing traditional culture How to promote culture development and promote it at a deeper level to far-reaching regions and areas has become of one of the goals and directions of my life. Design has played a crucial role in the brand concept from restaurants to the overall environment, the development of dishes, etc., are all designed to garner power and influence."

"The last two days have given me an unimaginable feeling, to be able to exhibit in the National Art Museum of China, a museum exhibition, my work of art, in a 400 square-meter exhibition hall. In our showroom, the 400 square meters of space is completely covered with chili peppers, in the center of this there is a model of the Beijing CBD, suspended in mid-air above this model are floating bowls of condiments. There is also a video, that shows a Sichuan chef demonstrating a few dishes in his native dialect," said Wang Xiaofei, the Executive Shareholder of South Beauty Group. "We have so much pressure in our lives, it is because of the birth of the CBD ideology, so we need more stimulation, the consumption of Sichuan cuisine is at the top of our consumption list. Each model is filled with the spices of Sichuan cuisine, which represent the flavors of life: sour, sweet, bitter and spicy; the situations and events that stimulate the pace of life. The bowls above the skyscrapers represent angels and demons. They can give us nutrition, so that we survive, but likewise it is also a poison, letting us die a slow death, and this is the issue of food safety"
俏江南执行董事汪小菲先生详细阐述了俏江南展厅中所呈现的设计概念:四百平米的展厅地面铺满辣椒,辣椒之上是北京CBD主要标志建筑物的等比模型,模型上悬吊着带有翅膀的碗。汪小菲先生说: 现今都市人生活压力大,CBD这种意识形态的诞生更加催生了压力,所以人们需要更多的刺激,而川菜的消费占了我们在“食”这方面的主要消费。我们在建筑物内放置了各种调料,代表了酸甜苦辣的情感和刺激的生活节奏。那些在高楼上带着翅膀的碗,既是天使,也是魔鬼。它可以给我们营养,让我们生存,也是毒药,让我们慢慢死去,这就是食品安全的问题。我们对吃饭这件事不能再只是停留在填饱肚子的基础上了,环境、设计、原材料的好坏等更多的元素值得我们关注。值得骄傲的是,俏江南在十年前把设计第一次引入餐厅,而蘭会所又将“吃饭”的概念升华了。     
