That may be especially true just when he has won a parliamentary vote, on school reforms that, even in their watered-down form, he holds dear.

water sth down:

① make (a liquid) weaker by adding water; dilute sth.加水冲淡;稀释
eg. You have to water down the medicine before drinking it.

② weaken the effect of sth, eg by making the details less vivid.使减弱
eg. They gave the press a watered-down version of what really happened.

关于这个短语在大家的写作中其实十分有用,在写Advantage+Disadvantage这种类型的文章中,在提到“坏处”时,经常会牵涉到表示“导致某方面能力下降”的意思,一般的学生可能会想到deteriorate这种词,其实象water down,decay类型的词语在英语中是极其普遍的,下面提供一些可以借鉴的写作词,供大家参考,有兴趣的同学可以“自己动手”,搞清楚每个词的来龙去脉,当然也可以来贴共同探讨其中的学问。

相关词:spoil, blight, go to seed, fade, be impaired, rot, wither, molder, crumble, disintegrate, break down, turn, break up, curdle, discolor, mold, mildew, dry-rot, rust, corrupt, corrode, putrefy, putresce, deliquesce, degenerate, become tainted, collapse, shrivel, pejorate, suppurate, depreciate, worsen, sink, fall off, fall apart, fall into decay, fall away, fall into pieces, fade away, wear away, erode, eat away, waste away, go from bad to worse, touch bottom, thin out, go to rack and ruin, fall on evil days, go to the dogs, hit the skids, go to pot, die on the vine, reach the depths

hold sth/sb dear:

cherish; value sb/sth highly 爱戴;重视

eg. I said farewell to those I hold dear.

     the ideals we hold dear

其实我以前每次在写“重视”的意思时,也就想到pay much attention to,put emphasis on等一些高中生也会用的东西,自从我第一次看到这个短语,我就想到自己的初恋(好像也不远),人总是当失去了才知道珍惜,这句话大概用在初恋上最合适了。无数经典的段落告诉我们,失去后深埋心中恐怕是对往事最好的留念,因此有人将往事向叶子倾诉,有人挖个小洞,把秘密尘封起来(对不起,导演喊Cut 了,好像扯远了,马上回来)。所以我把我的初恋藏了起来,藏在一个没有人能触碰的角落,不会告诉任何人,即便对我的恋人,因为这无非只会增加一个对你不利的谈资,不是我悲观,只是我……(导演愤怒了,我得小心点了)那我们谈hold dear,你想什么时候的拥抱最迷人,什么时候的接触最销魂?当然是分手前的一刻,那一刻时钟窒息,分钟叹息,秒钟倒吸,世界为你们停止了脚步,空间为你们定格了大幕。向过去道别,向挚爱祝愿,你能不回味一生,你能不揣摩一世?(导演,再忍一忍,头上有转灯,“哇哇”叫的白色面包车马上就到了)。所以只有当我们重视一件事情的时候,才能把它做好,比如说作博客,东拉西扯,长篇累牍的,怎么能提高众博友的点击率呢?怎么能维护知名网站的良好声誉呢?怎么能对得起栽培你到现在的善良导演呢?(别担心!车来了,这次没灯也没叫,就是装饰多了点,车头的花环好美啊!)

请在短语water down后面加入适当的宾语,看看你能写出多少。
eg. water down confidence/patience
