5.Join Your Local Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce in your city is a wonderful resource. The business people who belong are interested in everything that makes your city a better place to live, to work, and to visit. Membership fees are usually quite small for individuals. Join, attend meetings, get to know people, learn about the commerce in your city. When you know the person behind a business, it’s so much easier to talk to them about what they do and whether or not it would be a good match for you. Remember to ask about whether or not their work requires a degree or certificate.

6.Conduct Information Interviews

An information interview is a meeting you set up with a professional in order to learn about their position and their business. You ask for information only, never for a job or favor of any kind.

Information interviews help you:

1.Identify businesses that are a good match for you

2.Identify jobs that would be good for you

3.Gain interviewing confidence

This is all there is to it:

1.Relax, you’re interviewing them

2.Ask for just 20 minutes, no more than 30

3.Dress professionally

4.Be early and be prepared

5.Honor the time commitment

6.Send a thank you note

7.Shadow a Professional

If your information interview goes well, and the job is one you think you’d really like, ask about the possibility of shadowing a professional for a day, even a portion of a day. When you see what a typical day entails, you’ll know better if the job is for you. You might run as fast as you can, or discover a new passion. Either way, you’ve gained important information. Did you ask about degrees and certificates?

8.Attend Job Fairs

Job Fairs are incredibly convenient. Dozens of companies gather in one place so you can walk from one table to the next to learn in a few hours what could otherwise take months. Don’t be shy. The companies that attend job fairs need good employees as much as you want a new career. The objective is to find the right match. Go prepared with a list of questions. Be polite and patient, and remember to ask about necessary qualifications. Oh, and wear comfy shoes.

9.Audit Classes

Many colleges and universities allow people to audit classes for free, or for a very reduced price, if they have seats available at the last minute. You won’t get credit for the course, but you’ll know more about whether or not the subject interests you. Participate as much as you’re allowed. The more you put into a class, any class, the more you’ll get out of it. True about life in general.

10.Check Out In-Demand Job Stats

The U.S. Departments of Labor and Education, again at Career Voyage, has lists and graphs of high-growth industries and the top 50 in-demand jobs. Sometimes just perusing such lists gives you ideas you wouldn’t otherwise have thought of. The graphs also indicate whether or not you need a college degree.

11.Bonus - Look Deeply Inside Yourself

In the end, only you know which career will be satisfying to you. Listen carefully to that little voice inside you, and follow your heart. Call it intuition or whatever you want. It’s always right. If you’re open to meditation, sitting quietly is the best way to hear what you already know. You probably won’t get a clear message about the degree or certificate you’ll need, but you will know if the pursuit of it feels good inside or makes you want to lose your lunch.

Those people for whom a career path is a no-brainer heard that little voice loud and clear from the very start. Some of us just need a little more practice.