

The best thing about this movie is that you can’t L more OL during the whole time! Every punch line and funny move out of an animal could be hilarious. If you’re a pet person, all these things will come natural to you, even if you are not a pet person, you won’t be bored either, because it’s not all about animals, it’s about making people laugh.


1)大家都知道卖安利一定要捡着最好的优点来说,对不对?在用英语交流时也是一样,推荐某物时想直抒胸臆的向对方表达你最注重的点,可以选择一开始就说the best thing about xxx,也就是它最大的优点,最好之处。

2)LOL大家应该都知道除了“撸啊撸”,它也是网络用语laughing out loud的简写,也就是大声地笑,笑死我了的意思……而文中提到的L more OL是laugh more out loud,这个梗来源于美剧《摩登家庭》,而在这里加上can’t的否定也就是不能笑的更大声了,大笑得停不住的意思。

3)punch line就是妙语的意思,广义上可以理解为我们所说的笑点


5)要说某个人是xxx的爱好者,很爱xxx(某一类人、事、物),以宠物爱好者为例,除了可以说他是pet lover以外,更地道的表达可以说他是一个pet person。例如:

I’ve always been a dog person in my life.

6)it’s all about xxx的意思是以xxx为中心,全都与xxx相关。例如:

Lucy thinks she is the heart of the universe, somebody has to tell her it’s not all about her all the time.


Although the story itself – basically just an animal adventure – seems like a cliché, but the characters are no old fashion. A cute Pomeranian dog with raspy voice, a hawk that doesn’t kill, and a super adorable little rabbit leading a gang of animals…Every seemingly unimportant pet could WOW you, and the contrast enriched all the characters, in the meanwhile, slapped stereotypes in the face.


1)在直抒胸臆之外,巧妙的权衡优缺点也是安利大法的一招必杀。比如像文中开头就说虽然xxx哪里可能不够好,但也有好的一面补充了这种缺陷。像文中这一句话,除了开头直接用although之外,还可以说Cliché as the story may seem, but the characters are no old fashion,更加精炼有力。


3)这里的用法很口语化,no在这里其实就是not,美语中有很多类似的表达,语法上并不规范但又很常用。比如最常见的歌词里常出现的ain’t no,其实与be+not的意思相同。

4)WOW you就是surprise you,也是口语化的表达,因为在感受到surprise之后人们常常会说WOW,所以就有了WOW作动词的巧妙表达。

5)in the meanwhile在这是与此同时的意思

6)slap in the face从字面上理解是打脸,不过常作侮辱,拒绝的意思。可以说slap somebody in the face,也可以说give somebody a slap in the face。例如:

She sees it as a real slap in the face when she’s not invited to the party.

7)stereotype 刻板印象



As a new movie after the Despicable Me series, The Pets is the one that Illumination Entertainment has played all their best cards to make. The cast did not “waste their breath” at all, on the contrary, every sound they made has brought something to the character and the movie. Everything else about the making is fabulous, too. It’s a shame for anyone who expects a happy time in the theater if they miss this one.


1)play all one’s best cards的意思是某人使出了浑身解数,拼尽全力去做某事。


3)waste one’s breath原本是白费口舌的意思,在这里一语双关


5)it’s a shame的意思不是这很耻辱,而是这很可惜。