Blake Lively果然玩得转!

7月27日周一的纽约上西区片场,这位21岁的女主角戏里戏外的两位男友吻得不亦乐乎。首先是她Blair扮演者Leighton MeesterL现实生活中的男友Sebastian Stan,然后是Blake自己现实生活中的男友Penn Badgley,只不过前者是演戏,后者是真情实感。

那么我们的Queen B在哪儿呢?原来她正和Ed Westwick扮演的Chuck卿卿我我,而且还喝了一大杯的红酒香槟。

《绯闻女孩》第三季片场 鲜亮夏装美女排排坐
绯闻女孩第三季片场 夏日时尚清凉装

Blake Lively sure does get around!

The 21-year-old Gossip Girl actress was spotted kissing at least two different boys on the Upper West Side of New York City on Monday morning (July 27). Blake was seen kissing costar Sebastian Stan (also Leighton Meester’s real-life boyfriend) and her other costar Penn Badgley (also her real-life boyfriend). Lots of kissing going on!!!

Also spotted on set: Ed Westwick and Leighton Meester kissing and downing a bottle of vintage Dom Perignon champagne.