
《忍者神龟:变种时代》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles),是乔纳森•理贝斯曼执导的一部动作冒险电影,改编自1984年凯文•伊斯特曼和皮特•拉尔德共同创作的漫画,由梅根•福克斯、威尔•阿奈特、威廉•菲德内尔、阿伦•瑞奇森、诺尔•费舍主演。影片于2014年8月8日美国上映。影片讲述了在邪恶势力想要统治世界之际,神龟们与人们一起保护世界的故事。


Vern: Sorry I didn’t stick up for you. I can’t believe that you’re not crazy! How crazy is that?

Enemies: Target, 12 o’clock!

Donnie: Where are we going, guys?

Raph: Donnie, what’s the fastest way back to Manhattan?

Mikey: We just need to stay on this road. If we can get to the maintenance hatch at the bottom of the hill, there’s a sewer line 2.4 miles from here.

Leo: Mikey! Let them know up there!

Mikey: I’m on it! Oh…no…

April: Vern, go, go, go, go, go!

Vern: I’m on it!

Enemies: Stop!

April: Vern, hit the brakes!

Vern: Wrong way! Wrong way!

Enemies: Go around! Go, go, go!

Mikey: Leo, move, move!

Leo: What?

Raph: How far off course are we?

Mikey: Actually, we’re on a bit of a shortcut. But we need to keep going down. Straight down.