You ought to form your mouth small to call the vowel /ɔ:/ !






or—storm, door, horse;
aw—awesome, awful, dawn;
au—cause, Paul, cautious;
augh—caught, daughter;
ough—bought, ought;
al—all, small, almost...


1. As I was going by Mr. King’s yard, I saw a man sawing. And of all the sawyer I ever saw, I never saw a saw saw like that saw sawed.
2. Of course we are always short of warm water in the morning, as the bored northern walkers order more and more.

如果你对美音感兴趣,可以看看 英语零基础入门【美式音标】

如果你对英音感兴趣,可以看看 英语零基础入门【英式音标】
