7 月 1 日,2009 年铁矿石价格谈判大限已过,三大矿业巨头和中国钢铁工业协会依旧没能达成协议,但是,这场史上最长的价格谈判也没有谈崩的迹象,双方可能各退一步,中方不再坚持最少 40% 降幅,以换取国际矿业巨头的妥协。


The China Iron and Steel Association (CISA), which leads the country's iron ore pricing negotiations with international mining companies, is reportedly thinking about softening its previously hard-line stance on pricing.


上面的报道中,hard-line stance 就是“强硬立场”,hard-line 强调的是 firm and uncompromising(坚定、不妥协)的态度,坚持这种立场的人叫做 hardliner(强硬派)。

Hard-line 在政治用语中比较常见,比如 hard-line policy(强硬政策),hard-line approach(强硬手段)等;而与之相对的态度就是 soft-line(温和路线)和 soft-liner(温和派)。

如果拼写稍微变化一下,hard line 的复数形式 hard lines 则指“恶运、逆境”,例如:It's hard lines that he and his wife both lost their jobs.(他和妻子都失业了,真是倒霉。)