A US military dog who lost her leg while on duty in Afghanistan has become the first to be awarded the animal equivalent of a British Victoria Cross.

German Shepherd Lucca, aged 12, completed over 400 separate missions during six years of active service with the U.S. military, where she would sniff out explosives.

It is believed she protected the lives of thousands of allied troops during her career, with there being no human casualties during any of her patrols.

Lucca, pictured recovering from her injuries after losing her leg with her then handler Corporal Juan Rodriguez.

It only took Lucca 10 days to recover from the blast and now lives with her former trainer Sergeant Willingham in California.

Before serving in Afghanistan, Lucca completed two tours of duty in Iraq with Sergeant Willingham.

She made a number of finds including IEDs and bombs and was also directly responsible for apprehending four insurgents.

Lucca is the 67th animal to be honoured with the Dickin medal, which is awarded to those who show exceptional service in military conflict.
