
Fry acknowledges that his life changed when he met Hugh Laurie. 'I knew he had this amazing comedy acting talent and would go far, but I could never have dreamed that we'd have a working partnership and lifelong friendship.

'Hugh would pull funny faces and make us laugh, but all he wanted to do was to graduate and join the Hong Kong police. I suspect he rather liked the mental picture of himself in freshly ironed white shorts and shirts.

'Because of that, he didn't take acting seriously, but preferred to be the English silly ass rather than a cool James Bond type. We got deeper into the university's Footlights revue, went on to do Blackadder and Saturday Night Live - and before we knew it, it was too late to turn back.' 




不过因为这样,他没有把表演当作严肃的事情,他宁愿去做插科打诨的喜剧角色也不愿意走酷酷的007路线。我们从剑桥的Cambridge University Footlights Revue(时政讽刺喜剧,风格类似美国的Saturday Night Live)一路走了下去,后面又有黑爵士和周六夜现场”,在我们发觉太投入之前,我们就已经不能回头了。”
