1. Keep your brushes orderly and clean with this super easy and stylish leather brush holder.
1. 把化妆刷整齐、洁净地放在简易又时尚的皮制包包里。

Because there's nothing more gross than a rubbing a brush on your face that has been rolling around in the bottom of your purse.

2. Get super organized with an over-the-door shoe rack that's labeled to perfection.
2. 给挂在门上的鞋架贴上标签,用来放化妆品,有序到完美。

This is to DIE for.

3. A magazine rack can be the solution to all your tangled hot tool problems.
3. 杂志架可以解决吹风机电线老缠在一起的问题。

WHY didn't we think of this first?

4. Add little magnet strips to the back of your makeup and create this awesome makeup magnet board.
4. 在化妆品后面贴上小磁条,就可以DIY一个美妆磁铁板啦~

5. Hang some metallic jars with colorful twine to free up space on your vanity.
5. 在金属罐周围缠几圈彩色的绳子(挂起来),解放你化妆盒的空间。

6. Stack and glue empty candle jars for a perfect organization system.
6. 把空的蜡烛罐粘起来,用作完美的收纳系统。

Pro tip: When a candle is pretty much out of wax, freeze it over night to easily get the remaining wax out. Then use the jar for just about anything.

7. Give old jars a paint job and add a knob to the lid for a colorful way to keep your necessities in place.
7. 给旧罐子上一层漆,在盖子上面装个把手,就能用五彩缤纷的容器装东西了。

Who knew leaving cotton swabs on display could be so stylish?

8. Dedicate a space to your lip products with this cute copper pipe solution.
8. 这种可爱的小铜管正好可以收纳你的唇膏。

9. Make a landing pad for all your most used items with these geometric trays.
9. 为常用的化妆用品准备这种几何形状的盘子。

Bonus: They fit inside one another so you can decide how much storage space you need.

10. An adhesive magnet strip can keep all your metal necessities in one, easy-to-reach place.
10. 磁铁可以把所有金属的化妆工具吸在同一个地方,易于拿取。

Don't continue to be a victim of the bobby pin black hole.

11. Make use of vertical space with this spinning storage system.
11. 好好利用垂直空间,装个三层转盘吧。

12. Add some little lashes to your jars so they can be as pretty as you are.
12. 给你的罐子画两条睫毛,它们就和你一样美了。

13. Create this simple speckled tray for your most used items.
13. 为最常用的化妆盘点上彩色的斑点。

They look expensive, don't they?

14. Keep your perfumes together on this divine dresser tray.
14. 把香水一起放在这样华丽的托盘里。

15. Paint mason jars to keep your countertop cute and in order.
15. 用涂过颜料的玻璃瓶装东西,你的化妆桌会变得可爱又整洁。

Yet another use for mason jars. The possibilities are endless, my friends.

16. For when you're on-the-go, this makeup pouch will serve as the perfect organization buddy and a friendly reminder.
16. 忙碌的时候,这样的化妆包既是收纳助手,又能点亮心情。

Happy girls are the prettiest, but organized girls are the happiest.
