Todd Huettner resisted becoming a mortgage broker for more than a year. "It is the used-car salesman of my generation," says Denver-based Huettner, 35, who holds an MBA degree.
Todd Huettner ,丹佛人,35岁,拥有MBA学位,在坚持了一年多的时间之后,他最终还是成为了房地产经纪人,他曾说:“我们这代人是二手车销售员。”

If the industry had as many incapable people as Huettner suspected, then his honesty and competency would surely make him successful, a friend suggested. People he knew were already having him "run the numbers" on home loans anyhow. So, putting his reservations aside, he launched Huettner Capital.

Business at mortgage brokerage Huettner Capital doubled between its first and second year, grew by 50 percent the next year, and remained flat for the next three years as many in the industry went out of business.

A former recruiter, executive job coach Rita Ashley has also shined brightly in a field with reputation cracks. "Media being what it is and human beings loving to gossip as they do, it's always easier to learn the bad about a career."
Rita Ashley以前是一个猎头,也在一个名声不好的行业发展得非常好。“人类总喜欢对一件事情持评判态度,而媒体正是投其所好,所以要找到一份职业的缺陷总是很容易的。”

But nearly every field has "excellent practitioners, ordinary practitioners, and bad practitioners," says Ashley, author of the e-book "Job Search Debugged," now in its second edition.

Consider the merits of five professions with a bad reputations:
