


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Patiently means withstanding the hardship of waiting. What or who is acting patiently? What is the reason behind such action? What will be the outcome?
This week's topic: They waited patiently... (90-110 words)

1) patiently waiting in line
2) patiently waiting for an answer
3) explaining patiently
4) patiently working on improving
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


Keeping his fingers crossed, Doug patiently waited behind that office desk in the quite neuroscience department office, waiting for whoever was on the other side of the security door to enter. The person should be entering any second now. Seconds ticked by. Doug closed his eyes and focused on the faintest sounds he could pick up. In this case, that would be none. A minute or even two must have passed by. Yet, it was all quite. There was no department door being pushed open, nor a key card being scanned again.
