


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
To hallucinate means to see, hear or sense something that was not actually present. Who is hallucinating? What causes the hallucination? What will be the outcome?
This week's topic: They were hallucinating... (90-110 words)

1) hallucinate seeing an oasis in a desert
2) hallucinate hearing voices
3) hallucinate seeing objects move around
4) hallucinate seeing somebody
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


Indeed, the department door should have opened by now and whoever swiped the card should have stepped in. So why had that not happened? Doug did not dare to move around as the waited behind a desk in the quiet office. No, the door was not opening and whoever wanted to come in would have to swipe again. And yet, there was no sound at all. Doug contemplated about what to do. Was he hallucinating? Was there no card swipe beep in the first place? Perhaps that would be the best case scenario.
