Brazilian artist João Carvalho, a.k.a. J Desenhos, is back with more awesome 3D Notebook drawings. Previously featured on Bored Panda, the 16-year-old continues to surprise us with his incredible skill to create fun visual distortions, which seem nowhere near two-dimensional.
巴西画家João Carvalho,也被称为J Desenhos,带着更牛逼闪闪的3D笔记本绘画回归啦。先前他在熊猫无聊艺术博客上展示过作品,这位16岁的少年继续用他惊人的技艺创作着有趣的视觉变形图画,为我们带来惊喜。不过这些图画看起来并不像一般的平面图画。

Carvalho bends and twists his signature blue lines of a notepad and gives his playful characters depth by adding intense shading. The self-taught artist shares his progress sketches on his Facebook page where he also tends to promote other artists. Intrigued? Be sure to check this post for more visual illusions with animals!

Older works from when he was 15
