
1.我先向大家简单通报一下: Brief you on...; give you a briefing about/take you through...

大会将严格遵循八项规定,保持良好的会风: strictly follow the eight-point decision on improving party and government conduct and maintain healthy conduct
人民当家作主和依法治国: people's participation and law-based governance
按照"四个全面"战略布局的要求: implement four-pronged comprehensive strategy

2.世界经济形势也不是那么很给力: the global economy is not encouraging/is gloomy/lacks luster

大家有很多关注,也有很多期待,希望能够吃到"定心丸": they want to rest assured
是一个凝聚智慧的过程,是一个凝聚力量的过程: it is a process of pooling wisdom and efforts
编纂民法典是否有些推进不下去了: I wonder if the compilation of the civil code will get stuck
合同法、物权法、侵权责任法: the contract law, property law and tort law
这次我们下决心要把这件事情完成: we will not let up until this gets done

3.从做法上来讲,要分两步走: two-step approaches will be taken

部署导弹连: surface or missile batteries
军用机场: military grid airfields
"军事化"这个词炒得挺唬人的: this word is hyped up
把这么一个大帽子扣在中国人头上,这种做法容易误导形势: it is highly misleading if they put the blame on China
美国重返亚太: pivot to Asia
美国派军舰到南沙岛礁那么近的地方炫耀武力: sabre-rattle; flex their muscle
刺激中国人的反感情绪: provoke Chinese resentment

4.我们提出"搁置争议、共同开发": helve disputes and seek joint development

反分裂国家法、立法法: anti-secession law, legislation law
这部法律好像份量不够: doesnt carry much weight
中国人还是有扶贫济困: the Chinese have a tradition of helping the poor
去帮助那些更困难的、更有需要的人: help the needy
他们代表着我们国家文明的提升: the improvement of social civility  
让求助的人能够有章可循: rules-based

5.大家可能首先想到找律师搞搞清楚: they would look to lawyers for help first

中国社会主义法治建设:enhance rule of law
不是很赞同这么讲: don't buy this/subscribe to this wording
好像要把我们的律师队伍做一个政治划分: categorize lawyers in political terms
如果律师知法违法也要面对法律的惩处: be held accountable all the same
律师依法执业: practice law in accordance with law
进行了两次审议: readings/reviews/deliberation
在广泛地征求意见: solicit public opinions
听取各方意见的工作做得比较充分: do a good job in conducting public consultation

6.要梳理各方的建议、意见: take stock of

给我们带来有益的经验: helpful experience
我们需要在法律当中明确哪些行为是违法的、禁止的: spell out the boundaries/do's and dont's
由公安部门负责这项工作比较顺理成章: better placed to handle this work
专题询问: questioning;质询: inquiry
似乎都热热闹闹走过场: it is mere formality without substance; it is all for the motion
"一府两院": the government and the judiciary 一府两院:一府是政府,两院是法院和检察院这是我们国家的一个体制,人大可以选举产生三个机构,就是政府,法院,检察院,政府,法院,检察院对人大负责,其他的公安,税务等等是由政府自己内部产生。

7.国家发展当中的急事、大事、难事: imperatives, major issues and challenges

不回避问题don’t dodge problems
这六步环环相扣: they are inter-linked and mutually-reinforcing
这次执法检查是……亲自率领的: be headed by
讨论也是比较热烈的: lively
我们非常关心这些措施将来能不能落地: be truly implemented/be put in place
我们讲监督没有休止符: truly implemented
要不断地推进下去,直到看到一个好的结果: there is no period to supervision/is an ongoing process; we won’t let up until we see desired results

8.一起努力: pitch in

落到实处: be faithfully implemented
十二届全国人大教科文卫委员会副主任: vice chairperson of ...
反腐治标有效才能治本有道: we must address the symptom effectively if we are to tackle the root cause fundamentally
当前的反腐是否已经到了一个节点,就是进入了一个已经建章立制的阶段: enter a stage where we must set up rules and regulations for the anti-corruption campaign
只要有人大代表涉嫌违纪违法都应该面对纪律的审查或者法律的审判: be brought to justice/be handled in accordance with discipline requirements
已经有43人辞职,罢免了27人: be removed
中国还是联合国反腐败公约的缔约方: a signatory party to the Convention against Corruption
开展境外追赃、追逃活动: repatriate fugitives and their illegal gains from overseas

