Jimmy Smits加入新版《24小时》
2016-03-10 08:15
Fox is brining veteran TV actor Jimmy Smits to its 24 reboot, TVLine reports.
The new series, 24: Legacy will find Smits as a series regular playing John Donovan.
Smits加入新版《24小时:遗产》,扮演循环角色John Donovan。
The new series would span 12 episodes, with The Walking Dead's Corey Hawkins playing the new Jack Bauer. His character, Eric Carter, is a onetime Army Ranger who finds himself roped back into action when his past catches up with him and turns to the CTU to help save his life and stop a big terror attack. The Messengers' Anna Diop will play his wife.
新版《24小时》将会有12集,这部剧将会有《行尸走肉》男演员Corey Hawkins扮演代替原版男主角Jack Bauer。他将会扮演一位名叫Eric Carter的美国陆军游骑兵,退役后无意间被牵扯进一场巨大的恐怖袭击活动。《太空堡垒》女演员Anna Diop将会在新剧中扮演男主的老婆。