People are naming their kids after Empire's Lyon family.

If skeptics needed another cold, hard piece of evidence about Empire’s cultural significance, here it is.

BabyCenter has revealed 2015’s top 10 names based on the Baby Names Survey (spoilers: Jackson and Sophia topped the list), and among the trends pointed out was a gigantic boost in names from Fox’s smash drama.

BabyCenter has revealed 2015’s top 10 names based on the Baby Names Survey (spoilers: Jackson and Sophia topped the list), and among the trends pointed out was a gigantic boost in names from Fox’s smash drama.

As for Cookie? You’ll still have to ask about her. She’s nowhere to be seen, nor is her legal name, Loretha.


根据美国宝宝中心专业育儿网报告显示, 以婴儿名字调查为依据2015年排名前10的名字(剧透:杰克逊和索菲亚在清单上分别占据男孩和女孩名字榜首的位置),然而从趋势中可以看出,来自这部福克斯热播电视剧中的名字有一个巨大的上升值。

