Down below, the lordling called out suddenly, “Who goes there?” Will heard uncertainty in the challenge. He stopped climbing; he listened; he watched.

Who goes there谁在那儿。这里非常生动表明本来那个地方没有人,但是突然出现了。我们要多注意收集这种地道的表达,学习运用。

The woods gave answer: the rustle of leaves, the icy rush of the stream, a distanthoot of a snow owl.



当滑稽戏在剧场里演出的时候, Hoots of laughter rose from the audience. 表示因为感到愚蠢而哄笑或者是嘘叫声。

口语中还表示对某人完全不在乎的意思。朋友单相思可对方一点都不在意他/她的存在,你可以这么劝解,It is obvious that she/he didn’t give a hoot about you. 

The Others made no sound.

Will saw movement from the corner of his eye. Pale shapes gliding through the wood. He turned his head, glimpsed a white shadow in the darkness. Then it was gone. Branches stirred gently in the wind, scratching at one another with wooden fingers. Will opened his mouth to call down a warning, and the words seemed to freeze in his throat. Perhaps he was wrong. Perhapsit had only been a bird, a reflection on the snow, some trick of the moonlight. What had he seen, after all?

from the corner of his eye,

the corner of eye/mouth, 这里的corner指眼角或者嘴角。在解剖学里,眼角有专业术语canthus。


而from the corner of his eye整个短语是一个介宾短语。介宾短语的结构都是介词+名词,所以为什么介词后边的动词都要变成-ing形式,就是变成了动名词。但介宾短语却可以充当多个句子的成分。

Pale shapes gliding through the wood. 这里并不是独立成句的,而是Will看到的某物移动的同位语。glide是指移动的平滑而又迅速,一闪就过去了。

glimpsed, glimpse在前边几期的解读中已经提及到了解释,是指短暂飞快地一瞥。这里的glimpsed是动词,和前边的turned 是并列关系。在黑暗中瞧见了一个白色的投影,很诡异。shadow不是只身形,光线投影到背景上的影子。而这个影子居然是白色的。

scratching, scratch用指尖挠,(to rub with a sharp object)里写得非常的形象。这里的scratching是现在分词,作伴随状语,树枝不仅来回在风中摇曳,树梢还在彼此摩蹭。

it had only been, 这里是系动词的过去完成时态。Will 看到的东西已经闪过了,Will “看”已经是一个过去的动作了(这里是时间的基准),再说“看”的事物,所以是过去的过去。原句的一般时态表达,it is a bird. –> 过去时间的表达 it was a bird. –>过去完成的表达it had been a bird. 时态就是这么推导出来的。


trick, 这里是引起的错觉,something that makes things appear to be different from the way they really are. 




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