Let's begin with the word beautiful – in English, this word is mostly used for women. We use the word handsome for men. To describe beautiful women, we also have the words pretty, lovely, gorgeous, and stunning – “stunning” means extremely beautiful, like a woman who is so beautiful that she attracts a lot of attention!

Another expression to describe a woman like this is to say that “She turns heads” –implying that when she walks down the street, people turn their heads to focus their attention on her.
还有一个用来说女生超级美的惯用语是“She turns heads”——意思是当这个女生走在大街上的时候,大家都会回过头来定睛凝视(也就是我们说的“回头率高”嘛)!

The words attractive, good-looking, cute, and hot can be used for both men and women. Cute is a more playful word to say a person is attractive; we often use “cute” for children and baby animals. And the word hot is a slang word that you should only use during informal conversations among friends.
对于两性均适用的单词则有:attractive、good-looking、cute 和hot。Cute是表达女性有吸引力的一种更调皮的说法,因为“cute”经常用来描述可爱的小孩或者小动物。Hot则是个俚语单词,在跟朋友聊天之外的场合你可别乱用。