latest fashion 最新的流行时尚
shopping mall 大型购物中心
downtown area 繁华商业区
stick with sth.坚持做某事
talk show 脱口秀
promote a new champagne 推出一款新的香槟酒
mineral water 矿泉水
applaudable 值得称赞的
convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事
bad taste in clothes 衣着品味差
horror movie 恐怖电影
the strangest combination 最奇怪的搭配
digital video camera DV机
DVD player DVD播放机
booth 展位
talk sb. into doing sth. 劝某人做某事
a farewell dinner 告别晚宴
serve sb. right (不幸事等)应由某人承受
You said it! 你说的太对了!
home-cooked meal 家常饭
make some coffee 冲/煮点咖啡
get over the show 忘记表演
sportswear department 运动用品柜台
daily business 日常事务
round the corner 即将到来
tickets at the door 临近开演前的票
buy the tickets on the spot 在现场买票
go out of one’s way to do sth. 尽力做某事
out of stock 脱销
be sold out 卖光
violent content 暴力内容
strong language 激烈的语言
put a warning label on albums 在唱片上贴警示标签
booking office/box office 售票处
student discount 学生折扣
exaggerate 夸张
be taken/occupied (座位)被占
dress circle 前排座位
tragedy 悲剧
comedy 喜剧
science fiction (movie) 科幻电影
action movie 动作片
love story/romance 浪漫爱情片
detective movie 侦探推理片
leading role 主角
not as exciting as advertised 不如宣传的那样精彩
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