李克强于10月31日至11月2日对韩国进行正式访问并出席在首尔举行的第六次中日韩领导人会议(China-Japan-South Korea leaders' meeting)。

会议期间,三国领导人对就地区和国际问题交换看法,中日韩三方坦承地交换意见(have a frank exchange of views),达成很多共识(reach many consensuses),一致同意要在正视历史,妥善处理历史相关问题,展望未来的基础上加强合作(agree to promote cooperation on the basis of facing up to history, looking forward to the future and properly handling historical and other sensitive issues)。


良好的政治互信是深化合作的重要基础,而互信的前提是在包括历史问题在内的重大问题上形成共识:A good political mutual trust is an important foundation for deepening development, and it forms the premise of common ground on major issues, including historical issues.

中日韩三国还应担负起维护地区,特别是半岛和平稳定的重要责任实现地区的安全和发展营造良好环境All the three countries should also take the responsibility of safeguarding regional stability, particularly peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, so as to build a pleasant environment for regional security and development.
