things done

替换中间的 "things" 即可广泛应用到 "干完,弄完, 办完,搞定 (事情,具体的某个事情) " 的场景中如 :

get this report done today 今天必须把这个报告弄完

get them done 把这些弄完

get your work done 把工作作完



要能够熟练使用,就必须有一定的逻辑思维方式 . What, where, who, how big, how many staff? ( 主营业务?在哪儿?规模?多少人?老板是谁?)

a. What is their core business?

b. What is the size of this company?

c. Where is this company?

d. Who owns the company?

e. How many staff do they have?


  • 沪江价:¥80.00
  • 市场价:¥100.00
  • 积分:80