6. You're cheap: you don't tip.

It doesn't matter if you don't have to tip in your home country-- when you go to a place where tipping is expected, you do it. If service is bad, tip less. But leave a tip. Write a letter to Obama and co. to change legislation if you feel that strongly about it, but be sure to leave your waiter what they're due.

7. You're cheap: you bargain excessively and everywhere.

Haggling over the cost of something can be fun, but your persistent attempts to pay as little as possible are tacky and insulting, especially when what may be chump change to you could be considered a day's wage for the vendor. Also, know when and where bargaining is appropriate. A fancy storefront where articles sport price tags is more likely to have fixed prices than, say, a chaotic bazaar. Another tip: state the final price you're willing to pay and spin on your heel as though you're about to leave. If the vendor doesn't run after you or immediately drop the price, you've probably lowballed them.

8. You specialize in ‘cultural misappropriation’.

There is a fine line between ’appreciation and appropriation‘. You should be able to distinguish 'cultural exchange and cultural appropriation.' Although you travelled to India and really dug it, wearing a bindi is never okay. Also, never wear one of those wretched Rastafarian hats with the dreadlocks attached.

9. You forget your manners and act as though you are singlehandedly supporting the entire country's tourism industry.

Be gracious. Be humble. Be kind. Say "Please" and "Thank you" and realize that while a country's economy may be grateful for your tourist dollars, they'd rather go without if you're going to act like a jerk once you get there. It's not all about you. Leave the diva attitude at home.

10. You don't research your destination before jumping in that plane/train/automobile.

This is perhaps the most cardinal of all travel sins and the root cause of most of the nonsense outlined in numbers 1 through 9 of this list. Know where you're going and what you're getting into, and please make sure to check whether or not you need to procure a tourist visa before leaving the country .

To Conclude

Lest you forget, travel is a privilege. The fact that you have the time, money and passport needed to travel doesn't mean that the world is at your disposal. Show respect, tolerance, cultural sensitivity, and a bit of research can go a long way.