He's currently Down Under to attend a five day 'Christian' Hillsong convention after recently getting involved with the religion.

易词解词(BY 稻草人语)


n. 日; 天;

英语的day 表示“天、日”,故有:星期日Sunday【太阳日】、星期一Monday【月亮日】、星期二Tuesday【战神之日】、星期三Wednesday【奥丁神之日】、星期四Thursday【雷神之日】、星期五Friday【爱神之日】、星期六Saturday【农神之日】;以及工作日workday【工作日】、假日holiday【神圣的日子】、生日birthday【出生之日】、末日doomsday【审判之日】、今日today【这一天】、昨日yesterday【另一日】、每日everyday【每天】、正午midday【日中】、某一日someday【某一天】、如今nowadays【在今天】、天明daybreak【破晓】、每日的daily【每天的】、日光daylight【白天之光】、白日梦daydream【白天之梦】、白天daytime【白昼之时】等。

And it appears that Justin Bieber is not only cleansing his mind but also his body.

While taking a dip in the chilly salt waters at Bondi's Icebergs pool on Monday, the global superstar revealed that he'd been undergoing the ancient Chinese 'cupping' practice, revealing several large yellow bruises on his tattooed torso.

In 2014, the Baby singer was baptised by Hillsong Church Pastor Carl Lentz.

Justin joins a long line of clean living celebrities who practise cupping, including Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow.
贾斯丁是一长串接受这种传统中医治疗的明星队列中的一员,这些明星中还包括维多利亚·贝克汉姆,詹妮弗·安妮斯顿和格温妮丝·帕特洛 。

Dating back 5,000 years, the therapy is a form of acupuncture, and is based on the idea that suction from the cups draws the skin up and mobilises blood and energy around the body.

Perhaps feeling the blood pumping through his veins, or just the sensation of icy cold water on his body, Justin looked exhilarated as he emerged from the ocean pool on Monday.


n. 星期一; 周一;

在英语中,一周七天分别称为Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday,除去后缀-day以外我们似乎只能看出来Sunday中的sun部分,即太阳,这也为我们透漏了一个有趣的信息,正好在中文里这一天也被称为星期“日”。这实在是非常有趣,中文的“星期日”和英语的Sunday不禁让人想到日语中对这一天的称呼:日曜日,这又是一个多么美丽的巧合啊,或者说这其中一定有着一致的规律。学过日语的朋友都知道,日语中从周一到周日分别称为:月曜日、火曜日、水曜日、木曜日、金曜日、土曜日、日曜日。Monday在日语中称为月曜日,这不是在暗示我们Monday中的mon-和英语中表示“月亮”的moon有关系么!另外,日语中将星期六称为土曜日,英语中土星称为Saturn,而星期六称为Saturday,我们沿着Sunday即sun-day【太阳日】、Monday即moon-day 【月亮日】的逻辑,会发现Saturday 其实正是saturn-day【土星日】之意。

Strutting solo poolside, he grinned form ear-to-ear before raising his arms and fist-pumping the sky.
