沪江英乐:M.I.A.助阵法国 DJ GENER8ION 的最新单曲《The New International Sound Pt.》!MV取景自少林寺塔沟武术学校,36000名少年们身着统一服装在广场上展示训练成果,镜头还记录下了身怀武艺的少年们的日常生活,画面背后隐藏的话语由歌曲代为出声。

【M.I.A 新单《The New International Sound Pt.》】


Mia you can wiki me
I don't be no dummenee
Dumbing me is killing me
Like it can be that enemy
They come at me
They gonna meet my
people gonna cover me
The ones that govern me
Ain't the ones that can power me
It's the sun and moon
that's turning me
If I get high it's burning me
You can kill my privacy
But you can't kill that love in me.

It's a game can't me tamed
Keep your fame and I'll keep my faith

Oh yeah you can keep it

Store my name
say my name
Know my name
And I'll keep my faith

Oh yeah you can keep it

Light it up, turn em on, that's when my powers gone, gonna keep it,
I take em off, turn em off, and my powers on.