

Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Shuffling means moving or dragging. What or who is shuffling? What is being shuffled? What is the reason?This week's topic: They were shuffling... (90-110 words)

1) a dealer shuffling a deck of cards
2) everyone is shuffling on the dance floor
3) shuffling snow off the driveway
4) the host shuffled the ticket stubs in the box before drawing out the lucky winner
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


Doug continued to hide behind the desk. After hearing a lot of shuffling, and drawers opening and closing, the figure in the office finally turned off the desk lamp and left. Doug crawled out of this hiding spot. He inhaled and exhaled deeply to calm his pounding heart. Putting his cap back on, he quietly left the neuroscience department office. He checked and double-checked that the hallway was empty before hurrying towards the chemistry department office. There were several hours left before the staff would start to come in for work. Doug would make good use of this time.
