

Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Fumble in the dark
To fumble is to feel around clumsily. Who is fumbling? What is the person doing? Why is it dark? Where is the action happening?
This week's topic: They fumbled in the dark... (90-110 words)

1) searching for the car keys in a dark parking lot
2) just before the person talks in for a surprise birthday party
3) thieves trying to break in to a store
4) looking for one's seat in a dark theatre
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


Doug immediately turned off the light. In a huge panic, Doug fumbled in the dark to put the day planner and wallet back in the bag. At least he still remembered to put the wallet in the inside pocket. He dashed out of the office. Since he was not familiar with the layout, all he wanted to do was to go in the opposite direction as the approaching footsteps. He ducked down and barely got himself shielded behind a desk as a figure appeared. At the same instant, his cap brushed against the corner of the desk and fell... his favorite cap with a pair of angel wings... limited edition...
