I went to the movies with a colleague the other day. Have to say, the Cinderella fairy tale has been very well reproduced on the big screen. Although, as everybody knows, it is a love story, quite a few of us have discovered its second theme which has also been carried throughout the movie – have courage and be kind.

“Have courage and be kind”, easier said than done, isn’t it? But I just happen to know someone who really has courage and is very kind, and holds a strong belief in the power of love and smile.

She grew up in a small village in New South Wales, Australia. Her childhood memory was about hardship and sadness. Fortunately, with her mother’s love, she finally grew into a determined woman. She is a long-time friend of Audrey Hepburn and was bestowed with the Title of “Etiquette Queen” by Queen Elizabeth II.

The fair lady I am talking about is Miss Dally (June Dally-Watkins).
这位美丽的女士就是Miss Dally(琼·达领·霍特金斯)。

I gained my first impression of Miss Dally from a two-minute video – how beautiful! Her beauty is overwhelming and she is extremely elegant. It was hard to believe the smiling lady in the video is already 89 years old.
对Miss Dally的第一印象源自一段两分钟的视频——这么美!她美得惊人,而且十分优雅。实在难以相信,视频中那位微笑着的女士已经89岁了。

It was an honor to have the opportunity to meet Miss Dally and interpret for her. Talking to her, I recognized why she is the “Etiquette Queen” at once. Her charm lies within as well as on the outside. The way she carries her body is the interpretation of elegance and she knows how to seize the person when talking to him/her. There are stars in her eyes and her smile is filled with sunshine.
对于我来说,见到Miss Dally并且为她口译是一种荣幸。与她交流,我立刻就明白了为何她是“礼仪皇后”。她的魅力发自内心,同时也流于外表。她的一举一动都是对优雅的诠释,而且她十分了解与人交谈时如何抓住那人的心。你能在她的眼中看见星辰,她的微笑满溢阳光。

I know this sounds somewhat Mary Sue, like a stale romantic story where everyone falls in love with the heroine. But if you have got any chance to meet her, you would know that I am just telling the truth.

Here, I want to share with you some of her words which really impressed me:
这里,我想与大家分享Miss Dally的几句令我感触颇深的话:

The most beautiful gifts in the world - smile, love - are all free. We are born with them.

Parents should love their children and, at the same time, discipline them. Parents should also direct their children to behave correctly and ask them to do the right thing.

My body is the house for my heart and soul. And the brain is the control tower, telling the body what to say and what to do. We all have to listen to our own voices and listen to the others'. We should keep learning.

Everyone here today, I want to give you a special gift. I want to give you the most beautiful gift in the whole wide world. I want to give you love.

Miss Dally上海见面会>>
