

Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Violence is one way to resolve conflicts, most often, not the best choice. What are some acts of violence? Why do people have so much resentment and aggression? What are the alternatives to resolve disputes?
This week's topic: Violence cannot solve all problems... (90-110 words)

1) assault and battery in the criminal court
2) violence portrayed in movies, video games and other forms of entertainment
3) war
4) bullying in the school yard
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


Usually, people would recognize him and would be eager to hang around. It did not seem to be the case here as the man did not appear to know him. This was ironic, as his face, on a huge billboard, was just outside the cafe window. Nonetheless, Al considered his options. Of course, he could just take the document, with or without violence, and ran out the door, but he did not want to have an arrest warrant for a robbery charge. Besides, this character in front of him might prove to be useful down the road – he might have access to other information.
