It's 365 days, 12 paychecks and one birthday.

But did you know in this time your body will produce enough urine to fill two bathtubs?

The average person will excrete 135 U.S. gallons of urine in one year.

And that's not all the fluid they'll expel; they will also produce 91 U.S. gallons of saliva, enough to fill 230magnums of champagne.

易词解词(BY 袁新民)

expel /ɪkˈspel/(ex- 出,pel驱使;驱使出去→)
vt.1. 把…除名、把…开除 2. 驱逐,赶走,放逐 3. 排出,喷出

Their heart will beat about 25 million times, and they will blink 5, 606,400 times in 365 days, according to a graphic created by the World Science Festival.

Roughly 18 -25 trillion of their cells will die by apopotosis - programmed cell death.
大约18 -25万亿的细胞会死于程序性细胞死亡。

易词解词(BY 袁新民)

trillion/ˈtrɪljən/(来自tri- 三 + (m)illion百万;本是百万的三次方即one million million million)
n. 1. 万亿,兆(one million million)2. (infml)大量,无数 3. (英,旧)百万兆

Some of these cells will be skin cells, and so they will shed eight pounds worth of skin, the equivalent of eight bags of sugar.

Their hair will grow roughly six inches, and their fingernails will grow up to one and a half inches. 

While luscious hair and long nails might be welcome, the 5,475 times they break wind might not be so popular.

易词解词(BY 袁新民)

luscious/ˈlʌʃəs/(这个词相当于delicious失去词首的de-而来:de- 离开,lusc本来是luc,是lic的变体,即lusc=lic套,-ious=-ous有…的,充满…的;使上套离开到一边→很诱惑、引诱人的→)
a. 1. 美味的;甘美的;可口的 2. 柔软的,柔和的;绚丽的,悦耳的 3. (尤指女人)性感的,肉感的

Whether they are bored, tired - or both - most people will yawn 1,825 times a year, and should sleep for an average of 2,920 hours.

Their blood will travel a total of 4.38 million miles through the body, the same distance as travelling around the world's equator 176 times, or from Australia to the South Pole 50 times.