Market research is the collection and analysis of information about consumers, competitors and the effectiveness of marketing programs.

Small business owners use market research to determine the feasibility of a new business, test interest in new products or services, improve aspects of their businesses, such as customer service ordistribution channels, and developcompetitive strategies.

In other words, market research allows businesses to make decisions that make them more responsive to customers' needs and increase profits.

While market research is crucial for business start up, it's also essential for established businesses. It's accurate information about customers and competitors that allows the development of a successful marketing plan.

Also Known As: Marketing research

Common Misspellings: Market reserch, markit research.
常见拼写错误:Market reserch, markit research

Examples: Before putting her new product into production, Margot conducted market research to discover how consumers would react to the new flavour.
例句:Before putting her new product into production, Margot conducted market research to discover how consumers would react to the new flavour.
