2012-07-09 15:11
in consideration of the actual conditions
n. 考虑;原因;关心;报酬;尊敬
- The buyer of a CNC turning center may or may not have the warranty to consider in the purchase but will make other considerations.
计算机数控切削中心的购买者也许会考虑该切削中心有无保修证书,也许不考虑这一点,但他总会有各个方面的考虑。 - Moreover, trial judges who are reversed in civil appeals and administrators who have had their decisions remanded by the courts for further consideration are not considered incapable of giving fair and impartial consideration to the merits of the case.
此外,人们并不认为,在民事上诉中其裁定被推翻的法官和其裁定被法院发回重审的行政官员没有能力公正和无偏袒地考虑案件的是非曲直。 - I should like to ask you to think this over and take it into consideration when drafting the basic law. You should also consider a few other things.
adj. 实在的,实际的,事实上的
- Actually, this was not a truce.
这其实不算是一种休战协定。 - You must face the actual conditions.
你必须面对现实情况。 - Entropy is actually a measure of disorder.
n. 情况,状态;疾病;身份;前提;条款;环境,条件;境况
v. 影响;使适应;由…决定,以…为条件;制约;护理;使健康
- This is a conditional ceasefire.
这是有条件停火。 - Is there a remedy for this condition?
有没有解决这个情况的方法? - The condition of man . . . is a condition of war of everyone against everyone