2012-07-08 14:29
ethical conduct of the medical profession; medical ethics
- Be an ethical doctor
医德高尚 - Attach great importance to the ethics-oriented education on the doctors
注重对医生的医德教育 - Refugee workers said such action was a violation of medical ethics.
难民工作者说那种行为是对医德的亵渎。 - Dr. Thomas was condemned for violating medical ethics.
adj. 伦理的,道德的;合乎道德的;凭处方出售的
n. 处方药
- An ethical drug.
凭医师处方出售的药品 - Medical ethics and business ethics are often intertwined.
医疗伦理和商业伦理是相互联系的。 - "ethical:Of, relating to, or dealing with ethics."
n. 举止;行为;品行
v. 表现;处理;管理;实施
- Their conduct and etiquette are governed by the Code of Conduct for the Bar of the HKSAR.
律师的操守和业内成规,受香港大律师公会专业守则所约束。 - The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.
那位记者被控有违反职业道德的行为。 - Such conduct will compromise your reputation.
adj. 医学的;内科的;医药的
n. 体格检查;医生
- all original medical receipts and medical reports for medical claims
所有医疗收据和报告之正本 - The effect of the medication was opposite to that intended.
这种药物的反应和预期的正相反 - a licensed medical practitioner.