2012-07-07 22:39
new science and technology
- There is no denying the fact that IT learning plays an important role as a new teaching tool in this era of technology.
无可否认,新科技时代的教育方式,电脑教学举足轻重。 - New technology allows us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury.
新科技让我们在没有实际危险和伤害的情况下去体验一切可能的事情。 - Technology, entrepreneurship and innovations are keywords that sum up the new era
adj. 新的;现代的;初次的;初见的
- That news will keep.
那个消息留待以后再宣布。 - The venture was new.
这是一次新的冒险。 - The news was flashed to Washington and then to New York.
n. 科学,专门技术
- Information technology is the science—the underlying science—of institutional restructuring.
信息技术是机构改革的关键性科学手段,是你用以重组机构的科学。 - In college I majored in science.
在学院里,我主修自然科学。 - What a triumph for science!
n. 技术,科技;技术应用
- This is the centre of the technology.
这是这项技术的核心。 - Technology Department is responsible for the overall planning of technology.
技术部负责按体系要求做好技术的总体策划工作。 - HTTC HyperTransport Technology Consortium