2012-07-07 05:48
ive; unrestrained; immoderate; very indulgent
- Indulge in toBacco
吸烟无度 - The prince indulged in luxury.
那位王子奢靡无度。 - To have sexual intercourse without a limit
性交无度 - To have sexual intercourse without limit
敦伦无度 - To lavish profusely without limit
浪费无度 - Idle sauntering with no limit
佚游无度 - The tyrant rioted in cruelty.
那暴君残暴无度。 - A "MASSACHUSETTS liberal" is the very worst of a bossy, free-spending, irresponsible tribe.
而"马萨诸塞州自由派"则是一帮最坏的专横霸道、花钱无度、不负责任的人。 - A "MASSACHUSETTS liberal" is the very worst of a bossy, free-spending, irresponsible tribe
adj. 过多的,过分的;极度的
- The gentleman was excessively civil.
那个男人非常谦恭有礼。 - There's no excess to pay.
不需要付超重费。 - You will lose if you go to excess.
a. 没有抑制的,无限制的,放纵的
- His every act and every move are natural and unrestrained.
他的举手投足潇洒自然。 - Wu's character was unrestrained, direct and indifferent to trivial matters.
吴道子性格豪爽,不拘小节。 - Full of strong unrestrained feeling;very angry, excited,passionate,etc
a. 无节制的,过度的,不合理的,过分的
- His gravity made us laugh immoderately.
他那一本正经的样子,使我们笑得不可开交。 - devote oneself entirely to something; indulge in to an immoderate degree, usually with pleasure.
将自己完全投身于某事;无节制地沉湎于其中通常为乐事。 - Andy opening his mouth, threw back his head and laughed immoderately.