2012-07-07 05:17
Sea Cucumber with Quail Eggs
n. 海,海洋;大量,茫茫一片
- Beyond the seas
在国外,在海外 - He adventured on a unknown seas.
他冒险驶入陌生的海域。 - White breast of the dim sea.
n. 黄瓜
- Mix cucumber with honey for a cucumber-honey toner.
混合黄瓜和蜂蜜,做一个黄瓜蜂蜜爽肤水。 - Are you going to pickle those cucumbers?
你准备腌黄瓜吗? - You need to scallop cucumber.
n. 鹌鹑;少女;高级妓女
v. 胆怯;畏缩;泄气
- He shot quail for the market.
他把打下的鹌鹑卖到集市上去。 - The Russians, oddly, did not quail.
奇怪地是,俄罗斯人并不畏缩。 - Cowards always quail before the enemy.
在敌人面前, 胆小鬼们总是畏缩不前的。
- 相关热点:
- 中英文在线翻译
- 剑桥商务英语中级第二辑真题阅读精讲