2012-07-05 02:50
bok choy
globule [天]博克球状体
- The virile figure of Theodore Roosevelt swung down the national highway(Edward Bok.
西奥多·罗斯福那阳刚的形象在国家的发展史上留下了重重的一笔(爱德华·波克)。 - Bok choy is very low in calories but rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A.
小白菜热量很低,但却富含维生素C和维生素A. - Discard the foam floating on the surface of the soup, add bok choy and cook until done. Add salt to taste and sprinkle with pepper. Remove and serve.
- But Choi is fittingly philosophical about the often bittersweet reality of the Korean-American dream
但是,朝鲜裔美国人的梦想变成现实时常常是苦乐参半的,对此,崔表现出了恰如其分的达观态度。 - Bonk Choy is a fleshy, green plant with a buck tooth and two fist-shaped leaves.
菜问是一棵肉肉的绿色植物,长着一颗兔牙和两片拳头状的叶子。 - Bok choy is very low in calories but rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A.
小白菜热量很低,但却富含维生素C和维生素A. - They are, says Choi, putting in his own words, the victims of "negative hypnotism."
用崔的话说:他们是“消极催眠术”的牺牲品。 - Discard the foam floating on the surface of the soup, add bok choy and cook until done. Add salt to taste and sprinkle with pepper. Remove and serve.
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