2012-07-05 01:59
commercial opportunity
business opportunity
- Numerous blank areas in the market represent unlimited market opportunities
市场空白点多,商机无限 - It has built up a bridge to promote the cooperation among IT suppliers from both China and overseas.
它在国内外IT供应商和渠道之间传达商机、推进合作 - His operation is now well equipped to handle the lines of business that will occasionally offer us major opportunities.
他们已准备好帮助我们处理任何可能遇到庞大的商机。 - I think we have found a niche in the toy market.
我想我们已经在玩具市场找到了一个商机。 - China's "leftover men" are proving to be great business opportunities for dating agencies.
中国的剩男们被视为婚恋机构的巨大商机来源。 - Astro Boy, Hello Kitty, Snoopy— these lovable characters have become billion-dollar giants.
adj. 商业的;商业性的
n. 商业广告
- Commercial invoice is a document.
商业发票是一种单证。 - We are not a commercial organization.
我们是一个非营利团体。 - The play was a commercial success.
这出戏从营利角度看, 很成功。
n. 机会,良机
- He eagerly embraced the opportunity.
他迫不及待地利用了这个机会。 - This opportunity is too good to waste.
这个机遇千载难逢,绝不能错过。 - Health Opportunity for People Everywhere
n. 商业,交易,生意;公司,商店;事情;职责
- Be engaged in; be Busy in
从事于 - to sit for business
因公滞留 - As Busy as a bee