云南省 24 岁的玉溪北城镇男子李乔明因盗伐林木被刑拘,在看守所关押 11 天后死亡。晋宁县公安机关给出的死亡答案是,当天李乔明受伤,是由于其与同监室的狱友在看守所天井里玩"躲猫猫"游戏时,遭到狱友踢打并不小心撞到墙壁而导致。面对这个答案,家属们却认为太过牵强。


The mysterious death of Li Qiaoming, 24, who allegedly died of a head injury while playing a "hide-and-seek" game with fellow detainees, sparked wide discussions and doubts over the Internet.

24 岁的李乔明在狱中离奇死亡,而所谓的他在与其他狱友玩“躲猫猫”游戏时受伤致死的说法在网络上激起了众多质疑和热议。

“躲猫猫”,即“捉迷藏”,是一个儿童游戏,从字面上来看可以译作 hiding from the cat,常见的英文译法为 hide-and-seek,在美国这个游戏则叫做 cops-and-robbers。一个儿童游戏竟然成为导致一个人死亡的原因,难怪会有那么多人质疑呢。

Your fate is even more unpredictable than that of a Yunnan detainee playing hide-and-seek.


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