2012-06-30 22:21
1.[Formal] crafty and evil; treacherous
- He's a crafty and evil person.
他是一个奸邪之人。 - I am an honest man, seeking to do my duty in this carnal universe, and setting my face against all vice and treachery
adj. 正式的;礼仪上的;有条理的;正规的;公开的 ;拘谨的
- You should recast the report in formal wording as it is a formal occasion.
这是一个很郑重的场合,所以你的报告应改的正式一点。 - A formal note is essentially a formal personal letter.
正式照会实质上是正式的个人函件。 - They are very formal in their business transactions.
adj. 狡诈的;巧妙的
- A crafty knave needs no Broker
狡猾的流氓,不需居间人 - He was a sinister and crafty speculator.
他是一个险诈的投机商。 - That was my crafty little plan.
adj. 邪恶的,有害的,讨厌的
n. 罪恶,弊端
- "Evil gotten, evil spent"
悖入悖出 - To render good for evil
以德报怨 - Poverty is the root of all evils