2012-06-28 19:39
Welfare loss triangle
n. 幸福,安宁,繁荣;福利;福利事业
- It will be paid out of the welfare fund.
这将从福利费中支付。 - These are matters that bear on the welfare of the community.
这些都是涉及社会福利的问题。 - The order will be for the welfare of the infant.
n. 损耗,亏损;丢失;去世;失败;浪费;降低;减少
- Depreciation, loss of market, loss of use and other consequential losses of any description.
贬值、丧失市场或使用价值等其他后果损失。 - The school was lamed by losses of staff.
学校因教职人员流失而开不了课。 - loss and damage or delay of goods.
n. 三角形,三角形物体;三角铁;三角板;三角关系
- It is called Equilateral Triangle that a triangle has equal legs.
三条边都相等的三角形叫做等边三角形。 - The design is formed with triangles.
图案是由三角形构成的。 - Minimum sight triangle