2012-06-27 16:00
ethical hacker(专门模拟黑客攻击,帮助客户了解自己网络弱点,为客户提出改进建议的网络安全专家)
adj. 伦理的,道德的;合乎道德的;凭处方出售的
n. 处方药
- An ethical drug.
凭医师处方出售的药品 - Medical ethics and business ethics are often intertwined.
医疗伦理和商业伦理是相互联系的。 - "ethical:Of, relating to, or dealing with ethics."
- It's a tricky ethical question.
这是一个微妙的道义问题。 - Business ethics must inspire all actors of a society to build an ethical culture.
n. 电脑黑客
- Hackers are said to have started a computer virus.
据说黑客们已经开始传播一种新的电脑病毒。 - This site was attacked by a hacker last week.
上周这个网站被黑客攻击了。 - You can usually find me on Hacker News.
你通常也能在黑客新闻网上找到我。 - It's useful for preventing hackers from accessing the information while it is in transit.
它对于防止黑客在数据传输过程中获取信息很有帮助。 - Friend hacker is not very strange to us in today's Chinese social life.